General Education Courses
Some or all general education courses may be waived through transfer credit from your previous college experience and depends on your selection of major emphasis. The remaining courses you will typically complete one at a time as you make your way through your program, working with your Academic Advisor each term to build your personalized Degree Plan.
General education provides students the opportunity to develop understandings, abilities, values, and attributes which enable them to apply their knowledge, skills, and talents to make judicious decisions and to analyze and solve human problems within a global community.
General education is that part of education which encompasses the common knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by each individual to be effective as a person, a family member, a worker, and a citizen. General education is integrated with, but different in emphasis and approach from special training for a job or a profession. Further, general education for a health professions, degree completion program should build on and incorporated prior learning for the adult student.
General education should allow a student to gain a more integrated view of knowledge, a more realistic view of life and a more defined sense of community and social responsibility. Because of the belief that knowledge leads to actions, students should be actively engaged in learning. This holistic point of view provides the student a foundation of lifelong learning in a global and dynamic world.
General Education Categories & Courses
Category I: Physical and Life Sciences
ANAT 115 - Anatomy and Physiology I w/ Lab (5 credits):
Presents the study of anatomy & physiology including anatomical terminology, homeostasis, histology, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system. Assignments require college-level reading fluency, coherent written communication, and basic mathematical skills. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
ANAT 125 - Anatomy and Physiology II w/ Lab (5 credits):
Continues study of anatomy and physiology including endocrine system, blood and cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and immunity, respiratory system, urinary system, fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, digestive system and nutrient metabolism, reproductive system, and prenatal development.
Prerequisite: ANAT 115
BIOL 102 - Introduction to Biology with Lab (5 credits):
A study of general biology, including topics of scientific methodology and practice; literacy in biological literature and research, study of cells and molecular biology, cell organelles, inclusions, function, and a study of genetics.
CHEM 103 - General Chemistry with Lab (5 credits):
This course explores fundamental topics of General Chemistry, and includes: measurement; elements and compounds; properties of matter; early atomic theory and structure; nomenclature of inorganic compounds; quantitative composition of compounds; chemical equations and calculations; modern atomic theory and the periodic table; chemical bonds; the gaseous state of matter; liquids; chemical equilibrium; oxidation-reduction. Laboratory covers basic techniques and illustrates principles presented in class.
CHEM 213 - Advanced General Chemistry with Lab (5 credits):
This course builds on CHEM 103, and specific topics covered include water and solutions; acids & bases; introduction to organic chemistry; alkanes; unsaturated hydrocarbons; lipids; carbohydrates; amino acids; nucleic acids. Laboratory covers basic techniques and illustrates principles presented in class.
Prerequisite: CHEM 103
BIOC 111 - Biochemistry with Lab (5 credits):
This course offers the study the chemistry of life: the complex molecules of which cells are constructed; the chemical reactions that provide the cell with energy; the proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids that orchestrate cellular reproduction, that control myriad processes, that allow cells to communicate with each other.
Prerequisite: CHEM 103
HSMT 101 - Introductory Health Assessment w/Lab (5 credits)
The Health Assessment course is designed to establish a stand-alone foundation for students’ knowledge and skills in health promotion, the early detection of illness, and prevention of disease. The course provides the relevant content and skills necessary to perform a physical assessment of patients throughout the lifespan. Students are engaged in these processes through interviewing, history taking, and demonstrating an advanced-level physical examination. Dominant models, theories, and perspectives related to evidence-based wellness practices and health education strategies also are included in this challenging course. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
Prerequisite: ANAT 112, 115
MICB 201 - Applied Microbiology w/Lab (5 credits):
Applied Microbiology introduces general concepts, methods, and applications of microbiology from a health sciences perspective. Students will examine the structure and function of microorganisms, including the roles that they play in causing major diseases. The course also explores immunological, pathological, and epidemiological factors associated with disease. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
Prerequisite: BIOL 111
NTRN 201 - Nutrition (3 credits):
This course focuses on application of Biochemistry through the principles of nutrition and wellbeing. It will help you understand the underlying biochemistry of food and bodily chemistry and will teach you to gain an introductory understanding of the chemicals and reactions that sustain life.
OGCH 121 - Organic Chemistry I w/Lab (5 credits):
This course provides an introduction to structure, reactivity, and analysis of organic molecules, through applications in the healthcare profession. Students will be introduced to organic structures and carbonyl reactions then apply these topics to biochemical settings. These are topics that lay the groundwork for more advanced understanding of the chemical reactivity topics covered in Organic Chemistry II. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
Prerequisite: CHEM 103
OGCH 221 - Organic Chemistry II w/Lab (5 credits):
This course builds on the introduction or Organic Chemistry I, designed to give the student interested in the health professions an introduction to the second semester of organic chemistry. Students will cover a wide range of organic chemistry reactions applied to healthcare settings. Students will learn to predict reaction outcomes and build an understanding of how molecules are synthesized in context of the structure and function of the human body. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
Prerequisite: CHEM 103, OGCH 121
PATH 201 - Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology w/Lab (5 credits) (includes lab)
This course focuses on the pathophysiologic and pharmacologic bases for alterations in health across the lifespan. Theories of disease causation will be explored with specific understanding of drug mechanism of actions, expected effects, side effects, adverse effects, contraindications, drug interactions, and professional nursing responsibilities in drug administration. Integrates online simulation and lab with supply kits for this course and future related courses which are provided to complement your learning.
Prerequisite: ANAT 115, 125
PHCS 104 - Introductory College Physics with Lab (5 credits):
A course designed to provide an introduction to physics where the physical laws that govern the motion of objects, forces, and forms of energy in mechanical systems are studied at an introductory level. Topics covered include mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, and sound. Students will also gain conceptual understanding and ability to use quantitative methods to model physical phenomena of the topics covered using calculus-based theories and solutions.
Prerequisite: ALGB 127, CALC 121
PHCS 205 - Advanced Physics (Relativity and Quantum Mechanics) (3 credits):
This course is a mathematically rigorous introduction to special relativity, waves, and quantum mechanics. Focus areas include a unified treatment of quanta, photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, matter, nuclei, and particles. A foundation for quantum mechanics is developed at the start and used to link and explain both the older and newer experimental phenomena of modern physics.
Prerequisite: PHCS 104
Category II: Social Sciences
PSYC 201 - Psychology and Wellbeing (3 credits):
In this course, students will develop an understanding of psychology and how it helps them better understand others and themselves. Students will learn general theories about psychological development, the structure of the brain, and how psychologists study behavior. They will gain an understanding of both normal and disordered psychological behaviors, as well as general applications of the science of psychology in society to promote behavioral wellbeing.
SOCI 116 - Applied Sociology (3 credits):
This course explores global social processes and structures applied to the healthcare industry. Topics covered vary each semester, but may include: community, populations, socialization, suburbanization and housing, diversity, economic and global inequality, families and relationships, education, religion, and globalization.
GOVT 113 - American Government (3 credits):
This course provides students with the opportunity to learn broadly about the American institutional framework, the United States Constitution, and the process of American government. Students will examine the competing political traditions within American political culture and read original works and speeches written and delivered by American historical figures as well as prominent scholarly works. In addition, students will examine contrasting theories in regard to institutional behavior.
GOVT 115 - Political and Social Science (3 credits):
This course examines the social and political issues relevant to the 21st century through reading, discussion, and media. The overall theme of the course is understanding political pressures through the lens of globalization and global understanding. Topics include peacemaking and nonviolence; world order; education, hunger, and food distribution; ecological balance; international law and organization; human rights and social justice; world political economy and economic justice; militarism and the arms race; religious perspectives on justice and peace; and culture, community values, and change.
GOVT 117 - Urban Studies (3 credits):
This course is designed to provide basic information about the field of urban studies and includes in-depth analyses of the issues, concepts, theories, and discourses of urban studies. Topics covered include the process of urbanization, comparative urban settlement patterns, urban and local government administration, economic development and growth, political economy perspectives, suburbanization and sprawl, urban planning, and urban lifestyles.
Category III: Mathematics
ALGB 127 - Applied Algebra (3 credits):
Presents elementary concepts of algebra, linear graphing, literacy, descriptive statistics, and measurement & geometry. This course integrates algebraic principles and application specific to the nursing care delivery paradigm.
CALC 121 - Foundations for Calculus (3 credits):
This course covers the different applications of both differential and integral calculus to representative problems characteristic of the public and private economic sectors. Major topics covered in differential calculus include optimization, applications of the first and second derivatives that will find the optimized and inflection values of various functions, integral calculus, and procedures for finding either area under one curve or between two curves.
Prerequisite: ALGB 127
STAT 201 - Introductory Statistics (3 credits):
This course establishes a fundamental understanding of research methods and quantitative analysis. Concepts of population research and evidence-based practices provide the foundation for understanding the importance of data for informing organizational decisions.
Category IV: Humanities
ENGL 111 - English Composition I (3 credits):
Provides introduction to the writing process, emphasizing development of fluency in writing and competence in structural and grammatical patterns of written English. Prerequisite: Requires ability to express ideas clearly in writing.
ENGL 121 - English Composition II (3 credits):
Builds upon the application of writing process skill, emphasizing advanced fluency in writing and competence in structural and grammatical patterns of written English.
Prerequisite: ENGL 111
HUMA 201 - Global Humanities in Healthcare (3 credits):
This introductory humanities course allows candidates to practice essential writing, communication, and critical thinking skills necessary to engage in civic and professional interactions as mature, informed adults. Whether through studying literature, visual and performing arts, or philosophy, all humanities courses stress the need to form reasoned, analytical, and articulate responses to cultural and creative works. Studying a wide variety of creative works allows candidates to more effectively enter the global community with a broad and enlightened perspective.
RHTC 102 - Rhetoric I (Introductory Speech and Communication) (3 credits):
Rhetoric is the study and art of writing and speaking well, being persuasive, and knowing how to compose successful writing and presentations. Rhetoric teaches us the essential skills of advanced learning and higher education. In this class, students learn to think logically, to discover wrong or weak arguments, to build a good case on a controversial topic, and to overcome the all-too-common fear of speaking in public so that they can deliver well-prepared speeches.
RHTC 202 - Rhetoric II (Advanced Speech and Communication) (3 credits):
This course is designed to refine expository and argumentative writing, and the course will center around four main areas of study: culture, linguistics, sociopolitical and economic reality, and literature and criticism. A multi-draft process-based approach will guide the writing and revision of essays.
Prerequisite: RHTC 102
Category V: Business and Management
INBM 214 - Introduction to Accounting (3 credits):
Designed to introduce the basics of using accounting information. Covers the practical relationships between business decisions and the financial statements, including forecasting, investment decisions, and tax effects. Includes analysis of the effect of transactions on financial position, preparation of financial statements, the recording process, and measurement issues and reporting requirements for assets.
INBM 125 - International Financial Management w/ Lab (5 credits):
International aspects of corporate financial management and financial institutions. Decision making by individual businesses in foreign operations. Explores interaction of multinational corporations and world capital markets with emphasis on quantitative techniques. Current theoretical and practical issues in international finance. Includes integrated Macroeconomics and Statistics Lab to examine fundamental principles of macroeconomics as an aid in understanding modern global society.
Prerequisite: INBM 115
FINM 102 - Personal Financial Management (3 credits):
This introductory class helps young adults learn introductory financial planning concepts. Learners explore subjects such as setting financial goals, budgeting, and saving strategies through lecture-style videos and short video vignettes. Additional topics include understanding financial statements, personal income tax, and building and maintaining good credit.
INBM 112 - Introduction to Global Business w/ Lab (5 credits):
Explores complex global business issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Examines how change and innovation are continuously transforming human endeavors such as technology, business, politics, laws, culture and arts. Investigates how innovation and change can provide new solutions to the many challenges humanity faces, yet may create novel problems and unintended consequences. Includes integrated Microeconomics and Statistics Lab to explore and understand fundamental principles of microeconomics as an aid in understanding modern global society.
INBM 115 - International Management w/ Lab (5 credits):
Introduction to major management issues that companies face when doing business internationally. Prepare leaders to deal with a wide array of cultural, economic, legal, and technological differences. Deal with concepts, issues, and research in international management, with a focus on the international application of: (1) culture, communication, and leadership, (2) strategic management, and (3) development and coordination of international subsidiaries. Includes integrated Organizational Behavior Lab to explore and understand the behavior of people within a work setting and the development of management competencies.
INBM 121 - International Marketing w/ Lab (5 credits):
Marketing problems of international business. Export marketing and domestic marketing of USA products abroad. Influence of international institutions, culture, stage of development, and geography; problems in terminology, product policy, promotion, distribution, research, pricing, and starting marketing operations. Includes integrated Communications Lab to examine sourcing strategies, concepts and tools in the context of integrated global supply chains.
Prerequisite: INBM 112
Category VI: Technology
INBM 312 - Business Information Systems (4 credits):
Introduces contemporary information systems and how they add value to organizations with a key role in the globalization within various industries. Focuses on key components of information systems: people, software, hardware, data, and network technologies. Students will develop a small business application using database, spreadsheet and web development tools.
CPSC 110 - Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits):
This course provides a foundation in computer science for a student who does not have prior programming experience. Topics include an introduction to the algorithm and program development process using a high-level structured programming language with applied experiences.
CPSC 215 - Computer Programming and Problem Solving (3 credits):
Continued coverage of foundational computer sciences applications, including advanced problem-solving and algorithmic development. Topics include data structures such as arrays, files, and classes. Study of program design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation in an object-oriented programming language.
Prerequisite: CPSC 110
CPSC 225 - Systems Integration and Databases (3 credits):
This course presents basic techniques for the design and implementation of database-driven web applications. Topics include the design of relational and NoSQL databases and scaling techniques such as the use of load balancing and distributed systems. Programming intensive using a dynamic high-level general-purpose language.
Prerequisite: CPSC 215
Category VII: Other Electives
IDPT 201 - Independent Study (1-7 credit hours):
Independent study credits can help you individualize your program of study so you can delve more deeply into an area of interest. You get to work closely with a professional mentor to essentially create and complete a course that is tailored for you. Different course numbers are used depending on the type of work you are doing, and the number of credits varies.
Undergraduate Study Abroad Course:
This course is designed to apply the clinical and/or operations skills and leadership expected of a professional with a bachelor's level education in an immersive experience through a two (2) or four (4) week international study abroad (four or eight credits, respectively). The focus of this program is advocacy and critical assessment and evaluation of needs on the personal, client, community, and global level.
(Passport and international travel required).
See Student Financial Accounts Page for Base Program Travel Expenses