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High School Dual Enrollment Courses

DE011a: Introductory Concepts in Health & Nursing (3 credits): In semester one, students will focus on the introduction to the field of nursing. Students will learn about the history and evolution of nursing, education and licensure requirements, career path options, and nursing responsibilities. Students will also focus on foundational information such as basic anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, pharmacology, first aid, and disease prevention.


DE011b: Introductory Concepts in Health & Nursing (3 credits):  In semester two students will examine various nursing theories, as well as focus on the nursing process, including assessment, diagnosis, and treatment options. Students will also learn about professional and legal standards and ethics. Additional skills of communication, teaching, time and stress management, patient safety, crisis management will be included.


DE012: Organizational Behavior (3 credits)

Organizational Behavior explores how to lead and manage effectively in diverse environments. The course requires students to demonstrate the ability to apply organizational leadership theories and management strategies in a series of scenario-based problems.


DE013: Healthcare Business & Financial Management (3 credits)

Healthcare Business and Financial Management provides an opportunity to apply strategic change management principles through the application of financial management and data analysis in a healthcare/missions environment. This course will examine strategies to increase value and sustainability of nonprofits and service organizations.

DE014: Nutrition (3 credits):

This course focuses on application of Biochemistry through the principles of nutrition and wellbeing. It will help you understand the underlying biochemistry of food and bodily chemistry and will teach you to gain an introductory understanding of the chemicals and reactions that sustain life.

ANAT 115 Anatomy and Physiology I w/ Lab (5 credits):

Presents the study of anatomy & physiology including anatomical terminology, homeostasis, histology, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system. Assignments require college-level reading fluency, coherent written communication, and basic mathematical skills.

DE015: Introductory Pathophysiology  w/Lab (4 credits) 

This course focuses on the pathophysiologic bases for alterations in health across the lifespan. Theories of disease causation will be explored with specific understanding of acquired, immune, infectious, carcinogenic, genetic, and biochemical alterations in health in selected body systems will be presented with an emphasis on etiology, cellular and systemic pathophysiologic responses.

DE016: Introductory Microbiology  w/Lab (5 credits)

Introductory Microbiology introduces general concepts, methods, and applications of microbiology from a health sciences perspective. Students will examine the structure and function of microorganisms, including the roles that they play in causing major diseases. The course also explores immunological, pathological, and epidemiological factors associated with disease. To assist students in developing an applied, patient-focused understanding of microbiology, this course is complimented by several lab experiments that allow students to: practice aseptic techniques, grow bacteria and fungi, identify characteristics of bacteria and yeast based on biochemical and environmental tests, and determine antibiotic susceptibility.

DE017: Psychology and Wellbeing (3 credits):

In this course, students will develop an understanding of psychology and how it helps them better understand others and themselves. Students will learn general theories about psychological development, the structure of the brain, and how psychologists study behavior. They will gain an understanding of both normal and disordered psychological behaviors, as well as general applications of the science of psychology in society to promote behavioral wellbeing.

DE018: Introductory Healthcare Statistics (3 credits):

Introductory Healthcare Statistics is designed to help develop competence in the fundamental concepts of basic mathematics, introductory algebra, and statistics and probability. These concepts include basic arithmetic with fractions and signed numbers; introductory algebra and graphing; descriptive statistics; regression and correlation; and probability. Statistical data and probability are now commonplace in the healthcare field. This course will give candidates background in what constitutes sound research design and how to appropriately model phenomena using statistical data and how to calculate simple probabilities based on events which occur frequently in the healthcare profession. 

DE019: Global Humanities in Healthcare (3 credits):

This introductory humanities course allows candidates to practice essential writing, communication, and critical thinking skills necessary to engage in civic and professional interactions as mature, informed adults. Whether through studying literature, visual and performing arts, or philosophy, all humanities courses stress the need to form reasoned, analytical, and articulate responses to cultural and creative works. Studying a wide variety of creative works allows candidates to more effectively enter the global community with a broad and enlightened perspective.


*DE020/USA011: Capstone/Study Abroad (3 credits):

This course is cross-listed in multiple programs and is designed to apply observational, intercultural, leadership, management, and professionalism through a 10-day, US or international study abroad trip (or comparable experience if travel restrictions in place). The focus of this course is advocacy and critical assessment and evaluation of needs on the personal, client, community, and global levels.

(^Passport and international travel may be required).

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